Tomato vines have several growth habits. Indeterminate tomato vines continue to grow and produce fruit throughout the growing season until killed by frost or cold, wet weather. They require sturdy, tall stakes or cages for support.
Renee’s Garden Indeterminate Tomato Varieties
Costoluto Genovese, Big Beef, Bronze Torch, Mandarin Cross, Black Cherry, Marvel Stripe, Black Krim, Orange Sungold, Camp Joy, Pandorino, Chadwick’s Cherries, Little Red Pear Cherry, Rainbow’s End, Chianti Rose, Brandywine, Crimson Carmello, Red & Yellow Mini Pear, Garden Candy Cherries, San Marzano, Isis Candy Cherry, Summer Feast, Italian Pompeii, Sweet Gold Cherries, Tangerine, Triple Treats
Renee’s Garden Semi-Indeterminate Varieties - Great In Containers
Our "Container," “Window Box” and “Bush” varieties are semi-indeterminate. These varieties are compact and dwarf in height (3-4 feet), and will produce new fruit throughout the season.
Tasmanian Chocolate (photo on left) - Semi-Indeterminate: Strong-yielding, short, sturdy vines that reach about 2 1/2 to 3 feet tall. Short stakes or cages are needed. Great for pots and small spaces.
Inca Jewels - Semi-Indeterminate: Compact vines with extra heavy yields on 3 foot plants. Short stakes or cages are needed. Great for large patio pots.
Litt’l Bites Tiny Cherries - Semi-Indeterminate: Very compact vines with stems that drape just 8 to 10 inches over the sides of containers; best for window boxes or pots.
Stupice - Semi-Indeterminate: Short vines that reach about 3 1/2 to 4 feet tall maximum. Short stakes or cages are needed. Great for large patio pots.
Super Bush - Semi-Indeterminate: Short vines that reach about 3 to 3 1/2 feet tall maximum. Short stakes or cages are needed. Great for large patio pots.
Renee’s Garden does not currently carry any true Determinate tomato varieties whose fruits will all ripen at approximately the same time over several weeks.