Sowing Renee's Scatter Gardens

Sowing Renee's Scatter Gardens

Here in our trial garden in central California, the fall rains have begun. Our climate (UDSA zone 8) is mild and, although we have had hard frost, the ground does not freeze in the winter. Many flowers that had gone to seed from last season have now started to germinate once again.

This is a good indication that it is a great time to sow spring blooming flowers, as the acidity of the rain water helps the seeds to germinate. The plants will grow through the winter and burst into bloom in the spring. It is a great time to sow a canister of Renee’s Scatter Garden seeds.

NOTE: In cold winter climate areas, you can sow seeds in early spring as soon as the soil can be worked.

Soil that has clumps removed and raked smooth.1. We have prepared our planting bed. The soil was first weeded and then turned with a digging fork. All of the big clumps were broken up, and the soil raked flat.

Seeds and rice hulls shaken from can into the hand.2. Before opening the canister, shake it thoroughly to evenly mix the seeds with the rice hulls. Then, open up the can, peel back the aluminum seal and pour some of the mixture into your hand and start to scatter it.

Seeds and rice hulls being scattered by hand into the raked soil.3. Make sure to shake out the seed mixture thinly and evenly. Scatter the seeds giving them enough space so that they do not germinate in crowded clumps. This will only stunt the growth of the plants. The rice hulls are easy to see and a good indicator of how far apart the seed has been sown.

Gardener raking the soil gently over the scattered seeds.4. After scattering the seed, use a rigid rake to work the seeds down into the soil to a depth of 1/4 inch. Then, water the seeds in thoroughly and evenly with a fine mist sprayer. Keep the seeds evenly moist while they are germinating.

Gardener with hose spraying the area where the seeds were scattered.5. Then, water the seeds in thoroughly and evenly with a fine mist sprayer. Keep the seeds evenly moist while they are germinating.

Pollinator flowers in colorful colors blooming.6. Next spring, you will enjoy a lovely carpet of colorful flowers.

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