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Quick Info

Cold Winters

April – May

Mild Winters

May – June


Full sun

Sow Seeds

1/4 inch deep 
4 – 5 inches apart

Days To Germinate

8 – 10 days

Mature Height

5 – 7 feet

Bonus Pack

An Heirloom Sunflower Forest

An Heirloom Sunflower Forest

(Helianthus annuus)

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Quick Info

Cold Winters

April – May

Mild Winters

May – June


Full sun

Sow Seeds

1/4 inch deep 
4 – 5 inches apart

Days To Germinate

8 – 10 days

Mature Height

5 – 7 feet

(Helianthus annuus)
Our own blend of tall, large flowering single sunflowers that grow like sunny beacons, mixed with slightly shorter, branching sunflowers that offer clusters of bright flower faces in many color combinations. The effect is literally like a forest with flower faces of all heights, shapes and colors.

These flowers will brighten your garden and heart all summer long and provide a sustaining feast for many types of pollinators. After the flowers are spent, seed heads form to sustain the birds.


Seed Count: Approx. 755 / Weight: 32 g / Plants approx. 200 sq ft

Regular price $ 8.99
Regular price Sale price $ 8.99
Sale Sold out

 -  SKU:8979

Special Features

renees garden heirloom feature renees garden butterfly feature renees garden hummingbird feature renees garden pollinator feature

Quick Info

Cold Winters

April – May

Mild Winters

May – June


Full sun

Sow Seeds

1/4 inch deep 
4 – 5 inches apart

Days To Germinate

8 – 10 days

Mature Height

5 – 7 feet

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Spring/summer bloom
Frost tender


Plant in full sun in good garden soil only when weather is warm and settled, all danger of frost is past and both days and nights are evenly in the 50°F (10°C) range. Poke individual seeds into well-worked soil about 1/2 in. deep, 4 to 5 in. apart. Press the soil firmly over the seeds and keep the seedbed evenly moist until seedlings emerge in 8 to 10 days.

Important: when the seedlings are well-established, carefully thin them to a final spacing of 1 foot apart; this way they will have enough room to develop sturdy stalks that won’t blow over and big clusters of flowers. Any extra seedlings you need to remove can be transplanted elsewhere in the garden or potted up and given to friends.


Several weeks before last frost date, sow seeds 1/2 inch deep in individual pots of well-drained seed starting mix. Keep moist and provide a strong light source until seedlings are well established and ready to plant outside. Transplant carefully, disturbing the roots as little as possible. Space seedlings 1 foot apart so plants will have room to grow and mature.


Growing these colorful sunflowers for pollinators and bouquets is both easy and rewarding. Make several sowings several weeks apart and you’ll have a succession of flowers in full bloom. Keep soil moist and well weeded. Protect very young seedlings from bird predation by covering the bed with bird netting held tautly well above seedlings by supports. Or use plastic berry baskets, removing before plants get crowded.