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Quick Info

Plant In

April – June


Full sun

Planting Depth

1 inch

Space Seeds

Rows: 2 ft. apart
Hills: 6 in. apart

Days To Germinate

7 – 10 days

Days To Harvest

Approx. 85

Heirloom Tuscan Melon

Melone Retato Degli Ortolani

Melone Retato Degli Ortolani

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Quick Info

Plant In

April – June


Full sun

Planting Depth

1 inch

Space Seeds

Rows: 2 ft. apart
Hills: 6 in. apart

Days To Germinate

7 – 10 days

Days To Harvest

Approx. 85

EXCLUSIVE - Heirloom Tuscan melons whose wonderful perfume adds to their meltingly sweet flavor. Deeply lobed, orange-fleshed fruits on very productive vines.

Seed Count: Approx. 47 / Weight: 1 g

Regular price $ 4.49
Regular price Sale price $ 4.49
Sale Sold out

 -  SKU:3020

Special Features

renees garden organic feature renees garden heirloom feature

Quick Info

Plant In

April – June


Full sun

Planting Depth

1 inch

Space Seeds

Rows: 2 ft. apart
Hills: 6 in. apart

Days To Germinate

7 – 10 days

Days To Harvest

Approx. 85

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Melons need full sun, rich soil and warm temperatures. Plant only when weather is warm and settled and temperatures stay above 50° (10°C). In rows 4 feet apart, sow groups of 2 to 3 seeds every 2 feet. After germination, thin to the strongest seedling per group, so you end up with one plant every 2 feet. Or make slightly mounded hills, 2 feet in diameter and 5 feet apart, sowing 5 or 6 seeds in each hill. Thin to 3 strongest plants.


Several weeks before last frost date, sow seeds in individual pots of seed starting mix. Keep warm and moist, and provide a strong light source until weather warms enough to transplant outdoors.


Amend soil well with aged manure or compost. Where summers are short or cool, lay down black plastic to retain heat, and plant into holes made in plastic. Where insects are a problem, cover seedlings with floating row covers to exclude them, removing when plants blossom. Keep young vines well watered and fed, tapering off as fruits ripen up for best sweet flavor.


Pick melons when they are fully colored, heavy and fragrant and “slip” or pull easily from the vines. These deeply lobed melons with sweet aromatic flesh are delicious freshly picked and sliced, added to fruit salads or wrapped with prosciutto as a traditional Italian appetizer.