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Plant In

April - June


Full sun

Planting Depth

1/2 inch

Space Seeds

2 - 3 inches

Days to Germinate

7 - 10 days

Mature Height

8 - 10 feet

Heirloom Morning Glory

Glacier Star

Glacier Star

(Ipomoea tricolor)

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Quick Info

Plant In

April - June


Full sun

Planting Depth

1/2 inch

Space Seeds

2 - 3 inches

Days to Germinate

7 - 10 days

Mature Height

8 - 10 feet

(Ipomoea tricolor)
EXCLUSIVE - Free-flowering Glacier Star is a reselected, antique cultivar whose dazzling blossoms are translucent baby blue overlaid with dark cerulean blue starred throats. This enchanting blue bicolor opens new flared 4-inch trumpet flowers each morning starting from midsummer. Glacier Star’s strong and sturdy vines of heart-shaped leaves twine effortlessly to cloak a gate, fence or trellis where they unfurl their skirts of beautiful blooms, creating a tranquil and old-fashioned ambiance.

Seed Count: Approx. 38-41 / Weight: 1.25 g

Regular price $ 2.99
Regular price Sale price $ 2.99
Sale Sold out

 -  SKU:5360

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Quick Info

Plant In

April - June


Full sun

Planting Depth

1/2 inch

Space Seeds

2 - 3 inches

Days to Germinate

7 - 10 days

Mature Height

8 - 10 feet

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Summer/fall bloom
Frost tender


In late spring, once weather is warm and settled and nights stay above 50°, sow seeds in a sunny spot in ordinary garden soil 2 to 3 inches apart and 1⁄2 inch deep. Firm soil over seeds.


Sow indoors 4 or 5 weeks before last expected frost in individual 4-inch pots of seed starting mix. Cover 1/2 inch deep and keep warm and moist. Provide a strong light source until seedlings are ready to plant outdoors. Transplant very carefully once nights stay above 50° and before seedling roots get crowded. Thin or transplant seedlings to 6 to 8 inches apart so vines have room to grow; avoid disturbing roots as much as possible if transplanting.


Erect well-anchored supports at least 8 feet tall at planting time; strong netting or a sturdy trellis serve well to hold these vigorous climbers. Flowers begin in midsummer, once days begin to shorten. Morning glories will bloom hard until the sun is strong each day; longer on cloudy days. Combine with climbing Moonlight nasturtiums or Purple Hyacinth beans for a striking show of iridescent beauty.