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Cold Winters

March – May

Mild Winters

Sept – April


Full sun

Space Seeds

2-3 inches apart
1/4 inch deep

Days To Germinate

7 –14 days

Mature Height

12 – 15 inches

California Poppies

Dancing Ballerinas

Dancing Ballerinas

(Eschscholzia californica)

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Quick Info

Cold Winters

March – May

Mild Winters

Sept – April


Full sun

Space Seeds

2-3 inches apart
1/4 inch deep

Days To Germinate

7 –14 days

Mature Height

12 – 15 inches

(Eschscholzia californica)
Enchanting Dancing Ballerina is a graceful mix of special California poppies that have unusual fully double and semidouble blossoms with delicate fluted petals. These paper-thin, glowing flowers bloom in a shimmering range of rich sherbet colors including deep rose, lilac, scarlet, orange, yellow and white. Like all California poppies, you’ll find carefree Dancing Ballerina is easy to grow and forgiving of poor soil. The abundant flowers shine on slender stems above feathery, gray-green foliage.

Seed Count: Approx. 1,300-1,310 / Weight: 2 g

Regular price $ 3.69
Regular price Sale price $ 3.69
Sale Sold out

 -  SKU:5981

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Quick Info

Cold Winters

March – May

Mild Winters

Sept – April


Full sun

Space Seeds

2-3 inches apart
1/4 inch deep

Days To Germinate

7 –14 days

Mature Height

12 – 15 inches

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Spring/Summer/Fall bloom
Can handle light frost


Sow seeds directly into a finely textured, well-drained garden bed in full sun as early in spring as the ground can be worked. Plant as early as possible in spring, as poppies can handle light frost and bloom best and longest when plants get a good start in cool weather. In mild winter climates, Poppies can also be sown in late fall to overwinter for spring bloom. Except in very poor soil, these California poppies will grow and flower readily with no added fertilizer. Space seeds several inches apart, cover no more than 1/4 inch deep, and firm soil gently. Keep soil moist as seedlings emerge. If seedlings come up very thickly, thin poppies early but delay final thinning until seedlings are well established in spring. Space seedlings, 4-6 inches apart as plants need room to grow and bloom.


When mature, poppy plants can handle dry conditions, but they will always bloom brighter and longer if regularly watered and are kept well weeded. Poppies are pretty cut flowers if brought indoors just as buds begin to open. At season’s end, allow spent flowers to form pods and drop seed if you want poppies to self-sow for next year's spring flowers.