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Squash, Summer and Winter

Summer Squash

There is a complete cornucopia of easy to grow summer squashes in a marvelous diversity of colors and shapes. Zucchinis come in dark green, light green, golden yellow, or heirloom ribbed fruits, or look for fine-fleshed, pastel green Lebanese zucchini and trumpet-shaped heirloom Italian climbing summer squash. Sunny little crookneck and buttery gold, pastel green or deep green scallop squashes and yellow straightnecks complete the summer squash selection. As an added bonus, don't forget to enjoy their plentiful squash blossoms sautéed, or stuffed, baked and topped with a fresh tomato sauce.

Winter Squash

Winter squash is grown in summer; the name "winter" squash developed because these hard rind beauties keep well after fall harvest to eat throughout the cold winter months. Winter squashes are "stored" in their own tough shells simply by keeping them at cool dry temperatures. They are naturally sweet, luscious and nutty and exceptionally high in health-guarding beta-carotene and fiber. You'll love them simply baked or microwaved with perhaps a touch of honey or agave nectar and a little butter. Having a good supply will make you feel both wise and self-reliant.

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