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Rainbow Vegetables

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Growing vegetable and herbs in a virtual rainbow of colors is one of my main gardening passions.

After all, why grow just green peppers when it's easy to have varieties that color up yellow, crimson, orange, chocolate, cream or even violet.

Delicious cherry and slicing tomatoes come in a medley of sunny yellow, rosy red, deep pink and orange, welcome in any garden, as are juicy sweet heirloom varieties stippled in green-gold or fabulous striped or bicolored beefsteaks.

This is the season to plan on going technicolor in your garden!

Jewel-Toned Eggplants

Eggplants are another must for enjoying jewel-toned colors in the garden. The long and slender Asian varieties come in a range of shades, including deep purple, bright magenta, cream, green, and white striped with rose or violet.

These 1 1/2 to 2 foot tall plants with their large velvety flowers followed by shiny opalescent fruits are wonderfully ornamental in the garden. Slice up the slim cylindrical fruits in 1/2 inch rounds for quick sautés or stirfries or in long halves for quick and easy grilling.

If you like to grow them, Renee's Garden features an Asian Trio Eggplant seed mix.


Green Beans, And More!

I find that all these pretty colors add extra enjoyment in the kitchen. While I love green beans and grow them each season, my mix of green, gold and purple podded snap bean varieties seems ever so much more fun to cook with. It's even a treat to pick them because the colored pods stand out boldly against the green foliage making it easier to pick every pod at just the right size.

A big basket of Tricolor juicy beans is an especially appetizing way to get me thinking about the day's answer to the perennial question, "What's for dinner tonight?"


To purchase these and other Renee's Garden Seeds, click here 

Renee's Rainbow
Shopping List:

Basil, "Scented Trio"
Bush Beans, "Tricolor"
Pole Beans, "Tricolor"
Beets, "Jewel-Tone Blend"
Carrots, "Sunshine Mix"
Chard, "Bright Lights"
Eggplants, "Asian Trio"
Lettuce, "Summer Bouquet"
Melons, "Three Flavor Mix"
Zucchini, "Tricolor Mix"
Radishes, "Easter Egg"
Peppers, "Jewel-Tone Bells"
Squash, "Winter Cornucopia"
Tomatoes, "Rainbow's End"
Tomatoes, "Garden
Candy Cherry"

"Rainbow Sherbet"

Jewel-Toned Eggplants

Eggplants are another must for enjoying jewel-toned colors in the garden. The long and slender Asian varieties come in a range of shades, including deep purple, bright magenta, cream, green, and white striped with rose or violet.

These 1 1/2 to 2 foot tall plants with their large velvety flowers followed by shiny opalescent fruits are wonderfully ornamental in the garden. Slice up the slim cylindrical fruits in 1/2 inch rounds for quick sautés or stirfries or in long halves for quick and easy grilling.

If you like to grow them, Renee's Garden features an Asian Trio Eggplant seed mix.


Green Beans, And More!

I find that all these pretty colors add extra enjoyment in the kitchen. While I love green beans and grow them each season, my mix of green, gold and purple podded snap bean varieties seems ever so much more fun to cook with. It's even a treat to pick them because the colored pods stand out boldly against the green foliage making it easier to pick every pod at just the right size.

A big basket of Tricolor juicy beans is an especially appetizing way to get me thinking about the day's answer to the perennial question, "What's for dinner tonight?"


To purchase these and other Renee's Garden Seeds, click here 

Renee's Rainbow
Shopping List:

Basil, "Scented Trio"
Bush Beans, "Tricolor"
Pole Beans, "Tricolor"
Beets, "Jewel-Tone Blend"
Carrots, "Sunshine Mix"
Chard, "Bright Lights"
Eggplants, "Asian Trio"
Lettuce, "Summer Bouquet"
Melons, "Three Flavor Mix"
Zucchini, "Tricolor Mix"
Radishes, "Easter Egg"
Peppers, "Jewel-Tone Bells"
Squash, "Winter Cornucopia"
Tomatoes, "Rainbow's End"
Tomatoes, "Garden
Candy Cherry"

"Rainbow Sherbet"

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Total $39.96
