Gardening 101
Everything you need to know for achieving exceptional garden performance, making the most of your harvest, and keeping up with the latest gardening gossip.
Renee's Blog

Growing Great Crafter's Gourds
Growing Crafter’s Gourds is both easy and rewarding if you follow some simple guidelines. Gourds need full sun and fertile soil, hot weather and a long growing season to reach full maturity. They are vining plants that look great twining...
Growing Great Crafter's Gourds
Growing Crafter’s Gourds is both easy and rewarding if you follow some simple guidelines. Gourds need full sun and fertile soil, hot weather and a long growing season to reach full maturity. They are vining plants that look great twining...

Important Tips For Growing Cucumbers
When you plant is important: wait until the nights are staying at least 50º F (10° C). to start seeds in the garden; too cool and you won’t get successful germination and good growth. It’s wise to cover them with...
Important Tips For Growing Cucumbers
When you plant is important: wait until the nights are staying at least 50º F (10° C). to start seeds in the garden; too cool and you won’t get successful germination and good growth. It’s wise to cover them with...

Extend Your Growing & Harvest Season
Wherever you garden, from the northeast and high mountain elevations to the mild climate west and the balmier southern states, the spring and summer growing season often seem just too short. Use the following tips and techniques to reap the...
Extend Your Growing & Harvest Season
Wherever you garden, from the northeast and high mountain elevations to the mild climate west and the balmier southern states, the spring and summer growing season often seem just too short. Use the following tips and techniques to reap the...

Beth’s Guide for Growing the Cucurbit Family
We get many questions from gardeners about members of the cucurbit family, so our expert Garden Advisor, Beth Benjamin, has summarized her advice for successfully growing these mainstay garden vegetables. Planting: When you plant is important: all members of the...
Beth’s Guide for Growing the Cucurbit Family
We get many questions from gardeners about members of the cucurbit family, so our expert Garden Advisor, Beth Benjamin, has summarized her advice for successfully growing these mainstay garden vegetables. Planting: When you plant is important: all members of the...

How to Start and Grow Sweet Peas
Unique types of sweet peas and how to grow them!
How to Start and Grow Sweet Peas
Unique types of sweet peas and how to grow them!

All About Sweet Peas
The graceful beauty of annual sweet peas with their ruffled blossoms, soft texture and glowing colors makes them one of the most irresistible flowers. Their scent is an exquisite perfume of orange blossoms and honey, surely one of the most...
All About Sweet Peas
The graceful beauty of annual sweet peas with their ruffled blossoms, soft texture and glowing colors makes them one of the most irresistible flowers. Their scent is an exquisite perfume of orange blossoms and honey, surely one of the most...

Sowing Sweet Peas Directly Into The Garden
In mild winter climates, where the ground does not freeze, sweet pea seeds should be fall-sown directly into the garden from September through November to grow strong root systems and then bloom in spring. If you do not get your...
Sowing Sweet Peas Directly Into The Garden
In mild winter climates, where the ground does not freeze, sweet pea seeds should be fall-sown directly into the garden from September through November to grow strong root systems and then bloom in spring. If you do not get your...

Gardening for a Second Season
Mid to late summer is an ideal time to plant seeds for a second gardening season that can be as productive as your major early spring plantings. For a delicious and very nutritious cornucopia of fall meals, late summer is...
Gardening for a Second Season
Mid to late summer is an ideal time to plant seeds for a second gardening season that can be as productive as your major early spring plantings. For a delicious and very nutritious cornucopia of fall meals, late summer is...

What To Plant If You Don't Have Full Sun
I've found that a garden with some shade is ultimately more satisfying than one with full blasting sunlight. It offers the chance to create a cool retreat in which to sit and enjoy the garden or dine outdoors on hot...
What To Plant If You Don't Have Full Sun
I've found that a garden with some shade is ultimately more satisfying than one with full blasting sunlight. It offers the chance to create a cool retreat in which to sit and enjoy the garden or dine outdoors on hot...

Planting in May
At long last, spring weather is securely in place. The soil has drained and warmed and trees are stretching and quickly greening up. Many of us really get the gardening bug at this time of year but think that May...
Planting in May
At long last, spring weather is securely in place. The soil has drained and warmed and trees are stretching and quickly greening up. Many of us really get the gardening bug at this time of year but think that May...

June and July Are Still Prime Planting Season
Gardening is an ongoing process, and, while timing is important, don't be overwhelmed by a sense of being too late to plant by some arbitrary date. All too often, I hear gardeners use a day of a particular month as...
June and July Are Still Prime Planting Season
Gardening is an ongoing process, and, while timing is important, don't be overwhelmed by a sense of being too late to plant by some arbitrary date. All too often, I hear gardeners use a day of a particular month as...

Store Extra Seed Properly
Many gardeners have asked how to store leftover, unused seeds. Renee's Garden seeds come to you with high germination rates, and most varieties will keep easily for the next growing season. (Several exceptions: onions, parsley, lettuces, larkspur and delphinium do...
Store Extra Seed Properly
Many gardeners have asked how to store leftover, unused seeds. Renee's Garden seeds come to you with high germination rates, and most varieties will keep easily for the next growing season. (Several exceptions: onions, parsley, lettuces, larkspur and delphinium do...

Early Birds Don't Always Get the Worm
January seems the perfect time to start thinking about gardening. After all, the holidays are over, and planning next spring's bounty is a great way to boost your spirits. Nothing can pick you up more than envisioning all the fabulous...
Early Birds Don't Always Get the Worm
January seems the perfect time to start thinking about gardening. After all, the holidays are over, and planning next spring's bounty is a great way to boost your spirits. Nothing can pick you up more than envisioning all the fabulous...

Growing Tomatoes From Seed
If you love succulent tomatoes, mid-March to early April is the time to start your own plants from seed. It's the only way to have the very best tasting and old fashioned heirloom varieties which are not usually available as...
Growing Tomatoes From Seed
If you love succulent tomatoes, mid-March to early April is the time to start your own plants from seed. It's the only way to have the very best tasting and old fashioned heirloom varieties which are not usually available as...

Starting Seeds Indoors
Why Start Early? It's fun to experience the whole growing cycle as you watch baby seedlings grow into sturdy plants that bear delicious fruit and beautiful flowers. We often need to give plants a critical head start by germinating and...
Starting Seeds Indoors
Why Start Early? It's fun to experience the whole growing cycle as you watch baby seedlings grow into sturdy plants that bear delicious fruit and beautiful flowers. We often need to give plants a critical head start by germinating and...

Easy Growing From Seed
Renee demonstrates sowing seeds, tending your seedlings and enjoying the harvest.
Easy Growing From Seed
Renee demonstrates sowing seeds, tending your seedlings and enjoying the harvest.

Grow Baby Leaf Mesclun Lettuce
Renee demonstrates how to have great success growing baby leaf mesclun "spring mix" lettuces and greens from seed: how to sow seeds using the "cut and come again" method, tend seedlings, harvest so you get a second crop, and then...
Grow Baby Leaf Mesclun Lettuce
Renee demonstrates how to have great success growing baby leaf mesclun "spring mix" lettuces and greens from seed: how to sow seeds using the "cut and come again" method, tend seedlings, harvest so you get a second crop, and then...

Sweet Peas: Starting Early Indoors
When to start:Â In cold winter areas, sow in seed starting containers in early spring about 6-7 weeks before the last frost date, then plant out as soon as soil can be worked; sweet peas can handle light frosts. In mild...
Sweet Peas: Starting Early Indoors
When to start:Â In cold winter areas, sow in seed starting containers in early spring about 6-7 weeks before the last frost date, then plant out as soon as soil can be worked; sweet peas can handle light frosts. In mild...

Starting Tomato Seeds Indoors
Generally, the time to start your seeds is about 6- 8 weeks before the last expected spring frost date in your area, planting the seedlings outdoors about 2 weeks after that date. Another way to figure is to plan on...
Starting Tomato Seeds Indoors
Generally, the time to start your seeds is about 6- 8 weeks before the last expected spring frost date in your area, planting the seedlings outdoors about 2 weeks after that date. Another way to figure is to plan on...

Sowing Renee's Scatter Gardens
Here in our trial garden in central California, the fall rains have begun. Our climate (UDSA zone 8) is mild and, although we have had hard frost, the ground does not freeze in the winter. Many flowers that had gone...
Sowing Renee's Scatter Gardens
Here in our trial garden in central California, the fall rains have begun. Our climate (UDSA zone 8) is mild and, although we have had hard frost, the ground does not freeze in the winter. Many flowers that had gone...

Planting Your Cover Crop Scatter Garden
Cover crops are a beneficial and often necessary part of the seasonal garden to both protect and enhance garden soil. Cover cropping solves the problem of leaving garden soil bare during the winter when wind and rain and frost heaving...
Planting Your Cover Crop Scatter Garden
Cover crops are a beneficial and often necessary part of the seasonal garden to both protect and enhance garden soil. Cover cropping solves the problem of leaving garden soil bare during the winter when wind and rain and frost heaving...

Heirlooms and Hybrids
Growing delicious vegetables from seeds is one of the most rewarding of all gardening activities. We gardeners get started doing it with great anticipation and relish. Selecting seed varieties can be a little daunting because there are lots of choices....
Heirlooms and Hybrids
Growing delicious vegetables from seeds is one of the most rewarding of all gardening activities. We gardeners get started doing it with great anticipation and relish. Selecting seed varieties can be a little daunting because there are lots of choices....

Organic Seed Coating
Question: What is the white film coating on some of Certified Organic seed varieties like beets? Answer: Our Certified Organic seed producer developed this white film coating in response to requests from small growers. It serves to give naturally dark...
Organic Seed Coating
Question: What is the white film coating on some of Certified Organic seed varieties like beets? Answer: Our Certified Organic seed producer developed this white film coating in response to requests from small growers. It serves to give naturally dark...

Celebrate the Three Sisters: Corn, Beans and Squash
By Guest Author Alice Formiga According to Iroquois legend, corn, beans, and squash are three inseparable sisters who only grow and thrive together. This tradition of interplanting corn, beans and squash in the same mounds, widespread among Native American farming...
Celebrate the Three Sisters: Corn, Beans and Squash
By Guest Author Alice Formiga According to Iroquois legend, corn, beans, and squash are three inseparable sisters who only grow and thrive together. This tradition of interplanting corn, beans and squash in the same mounds, widespread among Native American farming...

Exploring Asian Vegetables
More tasty and nutritious Asian vegetable favorites are showing up in supermarkets and farmers markets nationwide every spring. If you have relegated these tasty veggies to the category of tasty exotics mostly encountered in restaurants, you’ll find adding easy to...
Exploring Asian Vegetables
More tasty and nutritious Asian vegetable favorites are showing up in supermarkets and farmers markets nationwide every spring. If you have relegated these tasty veggies to the category of tasty exotics mostly encountered in restaurants, you’ll find adding easy to...

Growing Delicious Mesclun Mixes
Nothing can surpass the delicious tastes, textures and pretty colors of tender baby salad lettuces freshly harvested, simply dressed, and enjoyed just minutes after they are cut. These luscious salads are called Mesclun today, a French term that originally meant...
Growing Delicious Mesclun Mixes
Nothing can surpass the delicious tastes, textures and pretty colors of tender baby salad lettuces freshly harvested, simply dressed, and enjoyed just minutes after they are cut. These luscious salads are called Mesclun today, a French term that originally meant...

Container Gardening
Even though the company has large outdoor trial gardens, I really enjoy planting a cheerful profusion of flowers and savory herbs in containers of all sizes and shapes on the patio outside my kitchen door. For many urban gardeners, container...
Container Gardening
Even though the company has large outdoor trial gardens, I really enjoy planting a cheerful profusion of flowers and savory herbs in containers of all sizes and shapes on the patio outside my kitchen door. For many urban gardeners, container...

Lavender and Roses from Seed
Lavender and roses have been beloved garden plants throughout their long history of cultivation and their timeless beauty is easily adaptable to changing gardening fashions. In the formal gardens of the Romans, who bathed in lavender and rose-scented waters, in...
Lavender and Roses from Seed
Lavender and roses have been beloved garden plants throughout their long history of cultivation and their timeless beauty is easily adaptable to changing gardening fashions. In the formal gardens of the Romans, who bathed in lavender and rose-scented waters, in...

When to Plant in Texas
Information courtesy of Aggie Horticulture, a service of the Texas A&M University System Horticulture program.
When to Plant in Texas
Information courtesy of Aggie Horticulture, a service of the Texas A&M University System Horticulture program.

Harvesting and Saving Seeds
P. Allen Smith and Renee discuss saving seeds so you can enjoy them season after season.
Harvesting and Saving Seeds
P. Allen Smith and Renee discuss saving seeds so you can enjoy them season after season.

Harvest and Prepare Loofah Sponges
Lindsay demonstrates how to harvest and prepare homegrown loofah sponges.
Harvest and Prepare Loofah Sponges
Lindsay demonstrates how to harvest and prepare homegrown loofah sponges.

Grow "Cut and Come Again" Mesclun Lettuce
Renee demonstrates how to plant your bountiful cut-and-come-again lettuce harvest. It's easy to grow your own diverse and delicious salads from seeds.
Grow "Cut and Come Again" Mesclun Lettuce
Renee demonstrates how to plant your bountiful cut-and-come-again lettuce harvest. It's easy to grow your own diverse and delicious salads from seeds.

6 Dos and 1 Don't for a Good Garden
#1: Don't Sow Your Seeds or Set out Seedlings Too Early! Be strong: resist the temptation to sow your garden on the first warm spring weekend! Heat- loving summer annuals will not thrive and grow well until the soil has...
6 Dos and 1 Don't for a Good Garden
#1: Don't Sow Your Seeds or Set out Seedlings Too Early! Be strong: resist the temptation to sow your garden on the first warm spring weekend! Heat- loving summer annuals will not thrive and grow well until the soil has...